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Remembering Richard T. Murphy, Jr., a modern-day Renaissance Man

When Richard T. Murphy, Jr. passed away on July 4, 2019, 他在许多方面留下了惊人的遗产:一个令人满意的景观建筑职业生涯, including 25 years of teaching; close to three decades as a successful entrepreneur and business leader of Murphy Logistics Solutions, a fourth-generation family owned business; and his role as an optimistic and dedicated environmental advocate and highly regarded logistics industry and community leader.

As a child, Richard Murphy was always interested in shaping his environment – first, in his backyard sandbox, and later, as a seasonal worker at a landscape company. 他曾在明尼苏达大学和哈佛大学设计研究生院接受景观设计师培训, 在回到明尼阿波利斯帮助经营墨菲买球用什么正规app公司(现在被称为买球赛用什么app和网站解决方案)之前,他最终在现场教学和工作。. 理查德在家族企业陷入困境、需要他的时候接管了家族企业, 离开在景观建筑领域的成功职业生涯,成为物流领域广泛认可的领导者. 他使家族企业扭亏为盈,对顾客的服务一丝不苟, delivering year after year of profitable growth to shareholders. Today, the company is a thriving asset-based 3PL that provides distribution, transportation, warehousing, value-added, 通过明尼苏达州和密苏里州的多个地点,为国内和国际客户提供房地产和定制商务物流服务. 其他商业利益包括专业的索具/磨坊公司和众多房地产实体. “我们的家族对这项业务非常满意,并为他在文化中灌输的家族价值观感到自豪, and we intend to continue to operate the business as a privately held enterprise,” said Alexandra Murphy, board chair.

理查德的景观设计经历教会了他如何解决问题和塑造环境——他很好地利用了这些技能,扭转了家族企业的局面,并将公司打造成了一家领先的物流公司. Though he left the day-to-day profession, he never left these roots.

As he built Murphy Logistics Solutions into the successful company it is today, 理查德对通过改变和改善环境使世界变得更美好保持着兴趣.

A popular speaker to industry, business and education audiences, 理查德分享了仓储和物流是如何在屋顶下留下50亿平方英尺的环境足迹的——或者足够在地球和月球之间建造一条4英尺长的人行道, he was fond of pointing out. 理查德认为这些屋顶是安装太阳能电池板的完美场所,并将它们安装在他的买球用什么正规app上作为例子, tracking the ROI along the way. 他还经常分享他25多年来在买球用什么正规app周围照料原生草原的经历, he tracked the ROI and found more than $1 million in savings – and counting.

“这个过程教会了我在所有环境问题上运用我的商业头脑和方法,” he once said. “In other words, our sustainability initiatives had to make sense from two perspectives: one, that they be good for the environment, and two, that they be good for the business. Without a sustainable, profitable business, you have nothing.”

He and his company have been the recipients of many awards and recognition. 最近,理查德被评为2019年年度企业家-心脏地带决赛选手. In 2016, 他被推选为明尼苏达州“最受尊敬的首席执行官”的10位创始成员之一. / St. Paul Business Journal. 他还被美国退休人员协会(AARP)评为首批“50位50岁以上最有成就和最鼓舞人心的明尼苏达州人”之一 & Pollen. In 2015, Richard was awarded the University of Minnesota’s Distinguished Alumni Award, and in November 2014, 他被选入美国景观建筑师协会的研究员学院, the society’s highest honor. 他还获得了美国景观设计师协会明尼苏达州分会2006年公共服务奖和2013年Lob Pine奖. 他作为明尼苏达大学设计学院风景园林兼职教授的贡献也获得了2005年杰出教学奖.

Richard’s numerous industry honors include the 2006 William K. 明尼苏达大学交通研究中心颁发的史密斯杰出服务奖, 美国明尼苏达工程公司委员会颁发的2009年明尼苏达工程卓越荣誉奖, and the 2010 Extraordinary Service to the Industry Award from IWLA. In addition, Murphy Warehouse Company(当时被称为Murphy Warehouse Company)获得了明尼苏达州商业杂志颁发的2010年明尼苏达州家族企业遗产奖,以及圣何塞大学颁发的2013年年度家族企业奖. Thomas Opus College of Business.

买球赛用什么app和网站解决方案因其超过25年的可持续发展倡议而在国内和国际上得到认可. 从在物流园区种植数英亩的原生草原,到成为明尼阿波利斯最大的土地所有者,免除雨水费,再到成为明尼苏达州第五大太阳能生产商,再到在中西部上游建造最大的全led照明建筑, Murphy has been a pioneer in sustainability.

A licensed landscape architect, Richard是美国景观设计师协会MN分会的前任主席. Richard是全球供应链管理专家委员会(CSCMP)的前任主席。, chair of the Center for Transportation Studies (CTS), and board member of the College of Design at the U of M. In 2017, Richard Murphy在哈佛大学设计研究生院成立了Richard Murphy MLA ' 80奖学金基金. He served six years on Children’s Minnesota’s board, 买球赛用什么app和网站公司是该医院Shine Bright Bash的年度赞助商,该活动旨在为癌症和血液疾病项目提供资金. He sat on the Western National Insurance Company Board, Harvard Graduate School of Design Alumni Board, the U of M Carlson School of Management’s Supply Chain & Operations Advisory Board, University of St. Thomas Family Business Center Board, and MnDOT’s Transportation Policy and Economic Competitive Board.

Richard loved rock ‘n’ roll; he was a frequent concert-goer and his office was filled with memorabilia from the early days of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. He enjoyed international travel and photographing his experiences. He loved spending time with his four children. His first granddaughter, Frances, was especially bringing him joy in his last days. He had just bought her a swing to put up in his backyard.

Ever the optimist, Richard dreamed of making a difference and he did for so many people, 从他的长期员工到他的景观设计学生,再到行业同事和他一路走来的许多朋友. His letters and emails always were signed with the closing, “Warm Regards, Richard” – and you knew he meant that sincerely.

理查德一直希望他开创性的可持续发展努力能够流行起来——事实也确实如此. Drawing on his rich background, he understood the importance of solving a problem, creating a vision, and then showing others how they could do the same. He once said, “I think it’s important to spread the gospel–here’s a little company doing these things. If we can do it, they can do it.

“And if everyone would do it, the world would be a better place.”